Clinics We Offer

Blood Tests
We have a full time phlebotomy service. All our staff have been trained and are highly skilled in taking blood. If you require an appointment please ask at reception.

Blood Pressure Management Clinic
When high blood pressure or another risk factor such as high cholesterol has been detected, your doctor will often arrange for you to be routinely reviewed by the practice nurse.

Cervical Smears
Please have a look at the following website for any information on cervical smears during the COVID period.
These are routinely carried out by the practice nurse. Appointments are available at most times during the week. Unless you have never had sexual intercourse you should have a regular cervical smear test once every five years or as advised from aged 25 until you are aged 64. The NHS operates an automatic recall system for cervical smears and will advise you when your appointment is due. However, if for any reason you are overdue for a cervical smear please contact our reception staff.

Contraceptive Services
All the doctors and practice nurses are qualified to provide you with contraceptive advice. The "morning after pill" is available free of charge from your local chemist. If you need counselling regarding an unwanted pregnancy please make an appointment with any of our doctors as soon as possible, or with Chalmers Sexual Health Centre on 536 1070.

Diabetic Clinic
Dr Bailey is responsible for looking after our diabetic service. All of our diabetic patients who are not attending a hospital diabetic clinic should be seen at least once a year for diabetic review in the practice. We have robust recall procedures in place to ensure all diabetics are seen regularly but if you are diabetic and think that you have not been seen in the past year please contact our reception staff. Practice Nurse Jo Wallace leads the nurse based diabetic checks.

Dressing and Removal of Sutures
Appointments can be arranged for dressings or removal of sutures/staples in the surgery with the practice nurses or Healthcare Assistants (HCA's). Please arrange an appointment with the receptionists.

Minor Surgery
Minor surgery clinics are held regularly and appointments are arranged after consultation with one of the doctors. Operations are performed under local anaesthetic in the treatment room. Due to the demand there is often a short waiting list.

Stop Smoking Services
Quit your way services deliver free stop smoking support at a variety of locations, and are provided by stop smoking specialists. Sessions are very informal and our friendly stop smoking specialists will discuss the products that can help you quit (Nicotine Replacement Therapy or Champix). Our sessions run weekly, are open access and there are daytime and evening sessions.
Click here for more information.